Fat Transfer Can Produce Amazing Results

Fat is good! Really! Believe it or not, there is a procedure that can actually provide two great results—eliminating fat from problem areas, while plumping and firming those areas that may be sagging, making you look less youthful.

Fat transfer is a simple, safe procedure that removes fat from areas that have excess fat such as the thighs or abdomen. This fat is then re-injected into areas that have lost fat volume resulting in that less than youthful appearance. These areas can include the hands, face, or buttocks.

Fat transfer is a natural alternative to using injectables. Injectables such as Restylane, Juvederm and others can improve the look of deep lines, creases and folds; however, they may not be for everyone. Additionally, there is a risk of allergic reactions with these injectables and the results are not permanent. Since the fat transfer procedure uses your own natural body fat, there are no risks of allergic reaction, and the results are often permanent.

The Fat Transfer Procedure

The removal of body fat uses advanced liposuction techniques to remove the fat leaving that area smoother and more contoured. Fat is removed using light suction via a small syringe to avoid damaging the fat cells. These fat cells are then re-injected using an even smaller hypodermic needle to plump the treatment area. The entire procedure is non-invasive and requires only a local anesthesia, as there is no cutting or stitches involved.

Recovery after this procedure is minimal, allowing most patients to return to their normal routines the next day.

Stem Cell Enhanced Fat Transfer

The usual fat transfer procedure has been used for several years; however there is a new enhanced procedure—stem cell enhanced fat transfer. These stem cells are not the controversial embryonic stem cells; rather they are regenerative cells that contain natural fat. These cells — called super fat — can increase the effectiveness of fat transfer due to enhancing the blood supply to the treatment area. The addition of these stem cells may increase the benefits of the fat transfer procedure through the following:

• Anti-inflammatory agents are released to aid in healing
• Growth factors are generated which will rejuvenate and tighten the skin
• Stem cells will grow new blood vessels that can nourish the injected fat

When you have decided that a fat transfer procedure can help you achieve the results you want, sit down with a qualified surgeon to help you determine which technique will be best for you.