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Laser lipolysis with pulsed 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser for the treatment of gynecomastia
Rho YK, Kim BJ, Kim MN, Kang KS, Han HJ. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:1353-1359.

Gynecomastia describes the condition of enlarged male breasts, which are generally effectively treated with liposuction. Because of the popularity of using laser lipolysis to treat localized fat deposits, such as those present in men with gynecomastia, the authors of this study decided to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of laser lipolysis to treat five men with the condition using a 1064 mn Nd:YAG laser. The study was a controlled split-breast trial in which one breast received treatment and the other was left untreated.

Results were determined using before-and 4 and 8 weeks after- treatment photographs and clinical assessments, including computed tomography and ultrasound to measure breast thickness. Researchers found a significant reduction in mean chest circumference at the 8-week measurement point. Reported side effects included pain, edema, and ecchymosis, which were minimal and short term in duration. Overall, physicians and patients were satisfied with results.

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