When Not to Get Liposuction









Modern liposuction offers many benefits to patients who have been struggling with their bodies and with excess, stubborn fat that doesn’t seem to budge. Liposuction continues to be one of the most sought after cosmetic procedures available among men and women who are seeking a more contoured, slim appearance. Modern techniques make it possible for patients to undergo liposuction in any area of their body without having to endure weeks of downtime and healing after the procedure. As promising as these modern methods are, undergoing liposuction is still a big decision and there are some instances in which liposuction may not be the best choice:


When You’ve Got A Substantial Amount of Weight to Lose


Liposuction is not a replacement for diet and exercise. It can be a great tool to help smooth and contour isolated fatty deposits that are resistant to a healthy regimen.


When You’ve Got Serious Health Issues


If you’ve got serious health issues or chronic illness, undergoing elective surgery of any kind is probably not the best option. Consult with your doctor if you’re wondering whether or not undergoing a liposuction procedure is going to make any health issues you have worse.


When You’re Struggling Financially


Cosmetic procedures can be expensive and although different liposuction procedures will vary in cost depending on various factors, it’s still considered an elective procedure. If you’re struggling to stay on top of your expenses, you’ll probably want to consider putting off liposuction and the associated costs until you’re in a better place financially.


When You Haven’t Tried Diet and Exercise


Some patients may decide they’re just going to jump straight to liposuction to get rid of unwanted fat before making a valiant effort toward better health through diet and exercise. If, after improving your diet and increasing your exercise, stubborn fatty areas won’t budge, then liposuction is a great solution.


For more information about liposuction, visit Infini Phoenix Liposuction today! We can’t wait to help you complete your journey to the best you possible!