Botox is Still a Popular Cosmetic Procedure

The most popular and sought after cosmetic surgery procedure remains breast augmentations. Interestingly, this procedure has experienced a 7 percent decline; however, in 2013 the overall numbers of cosmetic procedures rose. How is it that while the numbers of the most popular procedure declined, overall numbers rose? It is due to the popularity of Botox.

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA), along with fillers and chemical peels are one the most popular cosmetic procedures, and have led to a rise in the growth of the plastic surgery industry for the past three years. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, approximately 14.6 million procedures were done in 2012, a 5% increase in numbers over the previous year. Patients receiving Botox rose 8% to nearly 6.1 million procedures. Microdermabrasion, fillers, and other similar skin smoothing treatments also experienced a rise in numbers.

As you can determine from these numbers, Botox is a very popular cosmetic procedure.

What Does Botox Do?

Botox effectively and easily reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and gives patients a more youthful, rested look.

Treatments using Botox can also improve the look of:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Smile lines
  • Lines between the eyebrows
  • Worry lines in the forehead
  • Laugh lines around the mouth and nose

You may have heard the statement “Her face is puffy, so she’s had too much Botox.” This statement is not true because while Botox does immobilize the muscles, it will not create swollen cheeks or lips. Botox simply targets the muscles associated with wrinkles to relax them, providing a more youthful look.

The Botox Procedure

Botox is administered through a number of tiny injections, with the procedure taking only about 10 to 15 minutes. Patients usually see results within three to five days. The effects of Botox does reduce over time, so continued treatments are required to keep the results.

The results of Botox last between six months to a year. While continued treatments are needed to maintain the results, Botox treatments are safe to use over long periods of time. In fact, regular Botox injections can cause the muscles to atrophy because of the lack of using, making it possible to use lower doses to achieve the same results.

Botox is a minimally invasive procedure; however, it should only be administered by a cosmetic surgeon. Many people may be tempted to seek cheaper “knockoff” Botox treatments, but these products can cause serious side effects. Patients should seek Botox treatments from trusted, board-certified doctors using Botox products that are FDA approved.