Get A Brazilian Butt Lift To Feel Sexy and Confident

Do you feel bombarded with billboards, magazines, and ads that portray sexy figures of women with well-defined butts? Do you wish you had a curvier figure that would make you feel more attractive?

Would you also like to shed a few pounds in certain areas? Then a Brazilian Butt Lift may be right for you. This technique promises noninvasive results that make you still look and feel completely natural.

The process is very straightforward when performed by a highly specialized surgeon. First, fat is gently removed from an agreed upon area, through low-pressure liposuction. This gentle pressure ensures that the fat extracted is preserved for higher survival rates when it’s transplanted in the butt cheeks.

The process is also as advanced as it can get, since no incisions are needed for either the extraction of fat, or the enhancement of the butt. Small cannulas measuring the size of a ball pointed pen are used to extract the fat, which is then prepped for application in the butt cheeks.

Once the transplants begin, the surgeon will also sculpt the area, aiming to make each section look even, well-rounded and perky.

These combos can be adopted for other areas – for the ultimate sensual body, or femme fatal look. Lipo augmentation combos can be applied to the breasts and hips too. Speak with a local provider to learn more.

Brazilian Butt Lifts, BBLs, or Liposuction Butt Augmentation combo allows you to:

  1. Remove surplus fat in unwanted areas, like flabby abs, love handles, flanks, bra rolls, thighs and other sections of the body.
  2. Make up what you’re lacking in, by using this same fat and injecting it into the butt cheeks.

Top Advantages of the BBL

  • Relatively Pain Free – tumescent solutions are used to numb the area and prevent any complications.
  • Scarring Is Rare – given the small micro-punctures administered.
  • Low Cost – get affordably priced and specialized Brazilian Butt Lifts by searching for a highly skilled surgeon in your area. Prices may vary.
  • Low Downtime – it may take 24-48 hours to return to the regular routine, and complete healing may take place over the course of two weeks.
  • Get A Youthful Look – enhance fat in the butt cheeks, stay relevant in the dating department, or perk up sagging skin. We lose a great deal of fat in the buttocks as we age.
  • Permanent Results – the results provided by a BBL are there to stay.

Get the look that everyone’s into, and finally feel confident about your shape. Contact a local provider today.