Get Facial Fat Grafting For a Younger Appearance

Does your face look gaunt, tired, or weak due to fat loss from aging, pregnancy, or fluctuations in weight? Do you wish there were some way to restore the fat or natural suppleness, without the invasive techniques of facelifts?

It’s possible: with the help of fat grafting.

What is fat grafting? This procedure entails redistributing fat in the body. It means taking fat in a laden area and filling the gaps in empty spots. When it comes to facial fat grafting however, only minimal amounts of fat are extracted through liposuction.


More Volume for the Face

Some areas to target include:

  • ~The Cheeks – high and full cheekbones have long been considered a standard of beauty.
  • ~The Lips – some would say that Angelina Jolie set and kept the trend.
  • ~The Eyes – rejuvenate the eyes by filling in sunken under-eye circles, or in wrinkled corners that make you look tired.
  • ~The Forehead – fat grafting in this region helps to soften the lines.

Your surgeon can work with you to outline the top areas for concern. The surgeon will create a plan of action for restoring fat through a donor location, like the abdomen or buttocks.

Top Advantages of Fat Grafting

With fat grafting the risks of invasive surgery, high costs, and unnatural results are minimized, if not eliminated. Other benefits include:

  • ~Permanent Results – once fat is grafted, the fat cells don’t die. Similarly, fat removed cannot grow back, except with extensive weight gain.
  • ~Naturally Supple – fat is one of the best materials to use for cosmetic work. It’s not only natural, it’s also soft and lax, making it one of the easiest ways to contour target locations to the best shape possible. This filler, in contrast to botox, does not freeze the muscles – so you can smile, laugh or frown.
  • ~Extra Fat – get rid of excess fat in unwanted areas, or even better, some surgeons save this fat for other uses if requested. Ask about breast augmentation or a Brazilian butt lift.
  • ~Non-Invasive – since minimally invasive techniques are used. As an example, fat is extracted through micro cannulas. These measure the size of a pencil tip, so it’s very discreet, and virtually pain-free.

Wouldn’t it be great to look in the mirror and smile at yourself once more? Ask a surgeon for other details on how fat grafting may be right for you.