Improving Your Skin With Ultherapy

Fine lines and wrinkles, even a few of them when they appear on the face and neck, can add years to a face and cause a person to feel and look older than they are. As collagen production slows down, skin loses its natural elasticity and the skin tends to sag, wrinkle or develop a crepe like appearance in more delicate areas.

Traditional means for treating aging skin have typically included extreme efforts for improving the area including surgical face lift procedures or mild efforts that were the next best thing such as topic creams and ointments. For those looking for a substantial improvement that no cream can provide without having to undergo a procedure as serious as a facelift, a new non-invasive technology called Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy to penetrate the skin’s surface and stimulate collagen growth and development at its core.

While Ultherapy cannot duplicate results as drastic as a face lift might, it’s often the perfect alternative for patients who are looking to freshen their look, boost collagen growth, and diminish the looks of wrinkles near the eyes, on the chest and around the mouth or help to refine the jawline, the neck and other sagging areas around the face. Ultherapy can also be combined with sculptra or juvederm.

Before treatment, a consultation should be scheduled with your physician to discuss your skin concerns and to have your skin examined to determine where Ultherapy will be applied for the best results. There is no preparation required for the treatment unlike surgical procedures which require both preparation for the surgery itself and a lot of downtime post treatment to fully heal. Ultherapy requires no downtime and there is a pain-free process.

The treatment itself generally lasts no more than an hour to an hour and half depending on how large of an area the patient is looking to treat. If a patient is looking to treat both the face and the neck (around the eyes, mouth, jawline and the neck itself), the process lasts about an hour to an hour and a half. Patients who are focusing on their neck can expect to their treatment to last about a half an hour.

Ultherapy results take time to notice as the collagen rebuilds itself over time. Optimal results can be noticed within 2-3 months as the deepest levels of the skin rebuild and repair and result in a smoother surface and a more youthful appearance. Your doctor can help you decide if follow up treatments are necessary to keep your skin looking its best with Ultherapy.