The New Silhouette Lift is Minimally Invasive and Effective

Everyone will eventually start experiencing the signs of aging, such as sagging jowls and cheeks. We continually fight to keep our appearance, because we want to look as young as we feel. We consider facelifts, but are often put off by the long recovery time and risks of a traditional facelift procedure.

There is a new procedure — the Silhouette Facelift — that can give you a more youthful look, but without the negative aspects of a traditional lift, such as hospitalization, general anesthesia, and long, often painful recovery times.

The Silhouette Lift is an FDA-approved technique that uses only a local anesthesia. The entire procedure can be completed in approximately 45 minutes, and will not require any hospitalization. It is a prime procedure that gives optimal effects for those people experience mild to moderate signs of aging.

The Silhouette Lift does not use the barbed type sutures required for traditional thread lifts. This new procedure uses bio-absorbable cones and sutures that are placed underneath the skin’s surface. These cones and sutures provide the suspension and lifting effects. Sutures are placed in the temple area so that they will be hidden by the hair. The Silhouette Lift can smooth out cheek tissues and other areas such as the eyebrows without any visible scarring.

Traditional facelifts use barbed sutures and thread lifts. On the other hand, the Silhouette Lift uses cones that are absorbable and biocompatible, which cause fewer traumas to the treatment area. In approximately six months, these cones will be completely absorbed by your body, and only the tiny suture threads will remain — again, hidden in the hairline.

Silhouette Lift Results

Many patients experience almost near immediate results from the Silhouette Lift. Most patients will be able to return to their normal activities and routines within just two or three days. Full recovery from the procedure will happen within two weeks.

The results of a Silhouette Lift will be long lasting. However, as the signs of aging cannot be permanently stopped, maintenance will be needed to keep the effects. Using a quick, simple procedure, the Silhouette Lift sutures can be retightened to maintain a more youthful look. That appearance can also be maintained with the use of laser skin resurfacing, dermal fillers, and skin care products.

Consult a knowledgeable and experience cosmetic surgeon to see if the Silhouette Lift is right for you.