What Is Microneedling, And Its Top Benefits?

Microneedling is a breakthrough cosmetic procedure that can effectively treat a range of skin issues including stretch marks, wrinkles, frown lines, uneven skin tone and many others.

This is accomplished by penetrating deep below the layers of the dermis with a special equipment – the blade is made up of almost 200 microneedles, that patients will barely feel as it rolls over the skin. In addition, the power doesn’t only lie in the needles, but its ability to open up deep below the dermis, whereby treatments for the relevant skin issues can be applied. Anti-aging cream for instance, can be injected, far beyond the outer layer, and provide drastic results.

Advantages of Microneedling:

  • No Pain – an anesthesia is used before the procedure, so patients feel no pain.
  • No Recovery Time – return to daily life, and look better at the same time.
  • No Scars – unlike other skin treatments that require incisions for the cosmetic procedure, Microneedling, even while piercing the skin with tiny needles will not leave scars. The skin surface will be completely intact once it’s through.
  • Versatile Treatment – the procedure can be used for a range of skin conditions, and all over the body.
  • Collagen Boost – deep below the dermis lies methods used to boost collagen, as it decreases with aging.
  • Circulatory Improvement – similar to collagen, circulation slows down with age. The stimulation received from the Microneedling treatment improves the flow of oxygen and blood, making the skin look fully rejuvenated.
  • Cost Efficient – compare the cost of Microneedling with other cosmetic treatments, and it will be comparatively less, yet still effective.
  • Great For All Skin Types – the procedure has been clinically proven to work on all ethnicities.
  • Non-Allergenic – titanium needles are used, and there’s no risk of a reaction.

What about the downsides?

These are limited and include mild swelling and redness. Painkillers may be provided to alleviate discomfort after the one hour treatment. Infections are rare, and if you’re concerned about side effects, go over treatment with a provider prior to signing up. Some tips for recovering faster and avoiding any additional side effects include:

  • Scheduling repeat treatment 4-6 weeks apart
  • Avoiding topical creams with acids
  • Covering exposed skin from the sun, by using a hat or scarf for instance to avoid sunburn

Microneedling can be furthermore combined with other skincare treatments including the Vampire facelift or even microdermabrasion. Pregnant women, those who’ve undergone radiation within the year, or individuals with active wounds should not undergo Microneedling treatments.