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Injection lipolysis for reduction of saddlebag trochanteric bulges – half-side controlled pilot study
Kopera D, Horejsi R, Werner S, Moeller R. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2008;6:287-290.

From reducing serum cholesterol to preventing fat embolism, phosphatidylcholine, a soybean-extracted lecithin, has shown possible potential. However, it’s also been suggested that an intralesional formulation that also contains deoxycholate and ethanol (PPC/DC/E) is being used off-label to reduce fat. Because there is no scientific evidence for injecting PPC/DC/E for this indication, the researchers decided to examine the effectiveness of this combination for reducing saddlebags in a pilot study. They injected the phosphatidylcholine cocktail into the right posterior trochanteric area of volunteers three times over the course of six weeks. Sonography and tape measurements were used to evaluate results. Compared to the uninjected side, researchers found no significant difference and, therefore, concluded that injectable treatment with PPC/DC/E is not effective.

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