Neck Liposuction

Neck Liposuction

If I could change one thing on my body, it would be the way my neck looks. Sometimes it seems as if every cheeseburger and dark chocolate bar I eat stops and sets up permanent residence there. When photographs are taken of me, the lighting and camera location have to be just so, or I end up looking as though I have three chins. Exercise and diet have done little to deal with this persistent problem, so am I cursed to go through life with my neck bulging out from my collar like a muffin top?

As it turns out, this is an ideal job for liposuction, the targeted removal of fat by using a thin metal tube called a cannula to break it up and then suck it out. Depending on the current state of a patient’s health and the amount of fat to be removed, this procedure can even be done on an out-patient basis! In most cases, only local anesthesia is needed, although if you decided to combine the procedure with a face lift (to tighten the skin) you might need to be put under general anesthesia, and you might be in the hospital no more than a few days.

To perform the procedure, doctors first make a tiny incision either right below your chin or behind the ear lobes. Then the cannula is attached to the vacuum device and the fat begins to be removed. A newer procedure, called laser liposuction, can also be used. This liquefies the fat for easier removal and can also help tighten the skin afterwards. After the procedure you may experience some bruising or scarring, depending on the skill of the doctor and your general health.

Of course, a qualified, board-certified physician should be part of the process when you decide to have liposuction done. They can help you determine if liposuction is the best solution for getting the beautiful neck you’ve always desired. They can also alert you to the side effects and recovery times of the surgery, as well as help you decide is a face lift would be a wise option to use in conjunction with liposuction. Always be sure to use a board-certified physician.

Which reminds me, I really have to make an appointment about my neck….