Common Cosmetic Complaints and Solutions

angry hospital patient

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery has recently released their second annual survey data in which they asked over 8,300 people for their thoughts and opinions on common cosmetic treatments. One of the most interesting findings from the survey determined that patients reported to trust their dermatologists over their primary care physicians and their friends and family when it comes to cosmetic surgery recommendations and advice. Over half of the participants in the blind online survey said that their own dermatologist has the most influence over whether or not they have a certain procedure.


The popularity of cosmetic procedures continues to be on the rise as trends in certain procedures are more public and the stigma attached to pursuing these procedures is less common. The study shows that out of every 10 respondents asked, 5 of those are seriously considering having a cosmetic procedure done. With more minimally invasive procedures available and less time required to heal afterward, these procedures are easier than ever to seek.


Some of the most commonly reported complaints that those surveyed reported when it comes to their appearance include wrinkles around the eyes, excess weight, and their overall skin tone. Specifically, survey participants reported dissatisfaction with scars, facial redness, pigmentation problems and wrinkles. Excess fat underneath the skin and neck as well as sagging facial skin were at the top of the list of cosmetic complaints as well.


The good news is that when it comes to treating these most common complaints, there are many procedure options available that promise significant improvement for affordable prices and without requiring patients to undergo surgery or endure a painful process.


Modern laser treatments can treat a wide variety of skin problems including zapping scars and hyperpigmentation or to boost the production of new collagen beneath the skin’s surface. Collagen production tends to slow dramatically as we age so a boost in collagen growth has a huge impact on the overall appearance of the skin by filling wrinkles and fine lines and adding volume where there was none.


Skin tightening procedures can be performed to lessen the appearance of jowls, a sagging neck or jaw, and other droopy areas of the face. Minimally invasive liposuction methods can rid patients of stubborn pockets of excess fat without the requirement of going under the knife.


If you’re like the thousands of participants in the ASDS survey and are frustrated with sagging skin, excess weight and wrinkles, contact the Skin and Vein Center to schedule a consultation and see which of our many professional procedures can improve the way you look and feel.