Effective Acne Treatments

Image of Facial WashAcne is a condition that millions of adolescents, young adults, and adults alike suffer from in varying degrees. Acne can be an embarrassing and shameful condition for many of these people as they struggle to conceal skin suffering from red marks, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and acne scars that cover their faces and other parts of their body. The struggle to achieve attractive skin has prompted the creation of countless acne creams and solutions that are intended to clear up affected skin and keep it looking as clean and acne free as possible. With so many acne treatments available, how do you know which treatment to turn to?


Leading dermatologists suggest that the most effective acne treatments include those that fall into two categories including pore cleansers and products that suppress the development of new breakouts. Pore cleansers are intended to prevent buildup of pore clogging materials which cause acne and these medications and treatments usually contain some form of benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid. For many acne sufferers, an over-the-counter treatment containing salicylic acid and/or benzyl peroxide is all they need to keep their acne under control.


Lots of infomercials offer acne treatment products that are presented in a way to make them seem more effective than the typical OTC creams that can be purchased at the local drugstore, but the active ingredients in these well marketed products are the same that are found in most OTC acne treatment products. The key is the application and routine regimen rules that these infomercial treatments include which, when followed, might make them more effective.


Antibiotics, both oral and topical, may also be a solution to getting rid of acne though these treatment options need to be prescribed, but many patients see a significant improvement in their skin after taking an antibiotic to clear it up.


For thousands of acne sufferers, typical creams and ointments just don’t do the trick. Acne treatments from a trained dermatologist can clear up damaged skin that no cream can effectively treat. There are lots of cosmetic efforts including chemical peels, microdermabrasion, fillers, and skin resurfacing laser treatments which can work to erase acne scars, heal pigmentation problems that are often the result of severe acne, and help to encourage new skin growth and boost new collagen for proper healing.


In scheduling a consultation with a professional dermatologist, patients and their doctor can go over the many cosmetic treatment plans available to them and discuss which route will likely be best for dramatically improving their skin long term.

Contact the Skin and Vein Center today for more information about Acne Removal!