Fat Transfer is a Great Alternative to Implants

If you are looking for a way to enhance your breast size, but are hesitant to undergo major surgery, there is an alternative to breast implants — natural fat transfer breast augmentation.


Fat transfer breast augmentation is becoming a very popular procedure. This technique eliminates the need for implants, as well as providing a two-fold benefit. With the fat transfer augmentation procedure, fat is taken from one part of your body, usually one with excess fat deposits, which is then placed into your breasts.


The Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure


Sometimes referred to as a “natural boob job”, fat transfer breast augmentation will use a gentle liposuction process to take fat from one part of the body, and then place it into the breasts. This procedure eliminates many risks associated with implants such as allergic reactions, leaks or ruptures.


During the procedure, fat will be harvested from one body part, usually the abdomen, hips, or thighs — areas that usually have excess fat. This fat is then refined and concentrated to remove the liposuction solution used to remove the fat. In addition, platelet rich plasma is added to the fat to enhance the fat’s survivability.


This treated fat is then injected into the breasts in small amounts to enhance the size of the breasts, with natural look and feel.


After the procedure, patients will need to wear compression garments. This will allow proper healing as well as ensure that the proper shape is achieved. Most patients will be able to return to their normal activities and schedules after about a week.


Benefits of Fat Transfer


The fat transfer procedure offers several benefits. For one, since the body’s own fat is being used, there is little to no chance of rejection or allergic reactions. It is also a great alternative for women who want a more subtle change — rather than going up several sizes. And of course, there’s the added benefit that you will experience fat loss in the area from which the fat is harvested.


Fat transfer augmentation procedures can also be used as an alternative to butt implants as well. Additionally, fat transfer can be used to accentuate and lift facial areas for a more youthful look.


Dr. Thomas Wright, medical director of the Laser Lipo and Vein Center, says, “Fat transfer is becoming increasingly popular because of the safety and great results offered by this procedure.”