Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery on the Rise Among Men

Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery on the Rise Among Men

According to a recent article in the LA Times, since 1997, plastic or cosmetic surgery procedures have increased over 100%, to 9% of all procedures in 2011. While women are trending more towards the minimally invasive procedures like Botox, men are opting for procedures like liposuction and facelifts. What are some of the most common procedures, and why are men now opting for them?

Liposuction and Male Breast Reduction:

Liposuction is the most common procedure of which men are taking advantage. As men age, fat tends to build up in the abdomen and is extremely difficult to eliminate, even with a healthy diet and exercise. Rather than suffering from the self consciousness and embarrassment that can occur, men are opting for liposuction of the abdomen to remove the stubborn fat deposits and attain the look they want. Some men are also using liposuction on their chest, to reduce the fat in the breast and chest area. While not every man opting for liposuction of the chest has gynecomastia, for example, having liposuction in this area of the body can also reduce self consciousness and improve self esteem.


Many men are opting for rhinoplasty, or nose jobs for two reasons. One, is cosmetic. If a nose was broken or if a man is simply sick of the way his nose looks, more men are opting for cosmetic surgery to alter the appearance. Second, many men are opting to treat and fix deviated septum conditions that may have plagued them for years. As they get older, not only do men want to stop snoring and having other secondary conditions because of a deviated septum, they also need to ensure that their airway is clear and that they are breathing well during sleep, which can impact health in many ways.

Eyelid Surgery and Facelifts:

In order to get a more youthful look around the eyes, many men are opting for eyelid surgery. As CEO’s and executives get younger, their older counterparts are feeling the pinch, wanting to look younger to maintain their competitive edge in the executive track. Many men are therefore opting for eyelid lifts and other accompanying procedures like face lifts and liposuction to complete the look.

Because of the affordability, low recovery time and the fact that cosmetic surgery is becoming more normal because of popularization in the media, men are feeling more and more comfortable turning to cosmetic surgery and liposuction.