Soprano XLi Can Get Rid of Embarrassing or Unwanted Hair

Many people want to get rid of embarrassing body and facial hair. Previously, we would shave, pluck, and wax, only have to do it all over again time and time again. And, it was usually a painful, tedious procedure.

Now there’s a pain-free laser hair removal technique that can give you quick and long-lasting effects. You’ll be freeing yourself from having to shave or wax.

The state-of-the-art Soprano XLi can be used by people of all skin colors and types — even those with dark or tanned skin. Previously, laser hair removal procedures could only be used on people who had a specific combination of dark hair and pale skin.

How Does it Work?

The Soprano XLi laser comfortably and safely distributes laser energy to the hair follicle, no matter what skin tone you have, to remove hair.

The laser moves over the skin with warm, massaging strokes, not the zapping procedure experienced with previous hair removal procedures. The sessions are fast because the laser is moved over the entire treatment area, constantly delivering energy to the hair follicles. There are no delays — it is continual and relaxing. And, best of all, it permanently removes the hair.

The technical name for this procedure is “selective photothermolysis”. The hair follicles are actually targeted beneath the skin using the laser’s unique technology.

Almost any body party can be treated including the neck, face, upper lip, chin, legs, arms, bikini area (including Brazilian area) and stomach. Both men and women can be effectively treated.

Because approximately 20% of the hair is destroyed during each session, you will see results even with the first treatment. Additionally, since it is pain-free, you will not need numbing creams or pain relievers.

Because of the pain-free and easy procedure, you can return to your normal schedule immediately. You will not have any irritation, redness, or any messy aftercare steps.

Since the Soprano XLi is faster and more effective, you will have to undergo fewer treatments to get the desired removal. Because of this, the hair removal procedures can cost much less to get all of the hair removal effects you want.

Benefits of Soprano XLi:

  • The treatment destroys hair in its active growth cycle
  • All hair follicles are killed when treated during the growth cycle
  • Can be used on all skin tones, including darker or tanned skin
  • The procedure is comfortable and quick
  • Fewer treatments are required
  • The procedure is recovery-free, allowing you to return to your normal schedule immediately