The Different Types of Breast Implants

Many women look to breast augmentation procedures to help them feel better about their bodies and to improve their self-image. There are many different variations of breast enlargement procedures. Take a look at the main types of implants.

Saline Implants

These implants are filled with a sterile saline solution. These implants are FDA-approved for women over the age of 18 years. The can provide a uniform firmness, feel, and shape. Should the implant leak, they will collapse and the saline is then absorbed and expelled by the body’s systems.

Silicone Implants

These implants are filled with a silicone gel and are FDA-approved for women 22 years of age and older. The gel creates a more natural feel for the breast tissues. If the implant leaks, the gel can remain within the implant shell or it can leak into the implant pocket. The silicone implant will not collapse like a saline implant. Regular visits to a cosmetic surgeon will help ensure that the silicone implants continue to function properly.

Gummy Bear Implants

This type of implant is form-stable and gets their name from the fact that they will hold their shape, even if the shell of the implant is broken. The gel that is used in these implants is thicker that regular silicone implants, as well as providing a firmer feel.

These gummy bear implants are shaped and will have a more projected bottom appearance and a tapered top. Should this implant rotate, it can lead to an unusual appearance to the breast. Additionally, these implants will require a larger surgical incision.

Round Implants

The round breast implants usually make the breasts appear fuller that form stable types of implants. In addition, due to their round shape, there is less concern that any rotation will cause an unnatural appearance to the breasts.

Smooth Implants

This type of implant has the softest feeling of all other implants. They also move freely within the implant pocket to provide a more natural movement. However, these implants can have visible or palpable rippling.

Textured Implants

These implants will develop scar tissue that will stick to the implant making them less likely to become repositioned or move around the implant pocket.

When you are making the decision to undergo breast implant surgery, consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon who can help you choose the type of implant that will be best for you.