The Importance of Realistic Liposuction Expectations

The Importance of Realistic Liposuction Expectations

It is critical to have proper expectations of your liposuction surgery.  Because of the history of liposuction and what the procedure does, many patients go in with an inflated sense of what is possible. Liposuction is not for losing 20lbs, or for eliminating fat permanently from your body. If you have wide hips and thicker thighs, liposuction is not going to change your physiology. 

Going to the right liposuction doctor will help you understand what is and what is not possible. You’ll be able to target the area you wish to treat and ascertain, potentially with imaging, what the area looks like now and how it could potentially look after liposuction. Seeing this ahead of time is critical to your satisfaction post op.
Additionally, you want to make sure you are with a doctor who is honest and sets your expectations properly.

While you may want to hear that you’re going to get everything you ever wanted from your liposuction doctor – a miracle result that will change your body forever – the best liposuction doctors are realistic and want to make sure you are informed and aware of what you will actually look like when the procedure is complete. This protects both of you, and you are far more likely to get a great result from a doctor who does this than from one who promises you the moon and subsequently can’t deliver.

The goal of your liposuction doctor should be a natural look, which means not removing all of the fat from a given area, but rather, the stubborn excess fat pads that are creating the most significant aesthetic problems.  In some cases, liposuction doctors have gone too far – removing too much fat from a patient’s body, which can lead to unfortunate results. In some liposuction cases, over aggressive fat removal can lead to scarring or uneven skin texture after surgery. You want a doctor who has mastered the art of liposuction, as well as the science, which will ensure that you get the body sculpting you want, without any negative after effects.

No matter which part of the body you want treated, or whether you are a man or a woman, having appropriate expectations is critical to the outcome of your liposuction procedure. Work with an experienced liposuction surgeon and you’ll get the results you want.