Non-Invasive Liposuction


Description:  A non-invasive lipolaser is a safe non-surgical method done in an outpatient basis with no down time to patient.


Non-invasive liposuction is a new and safer technology to traditional liposuction.  By utilizing low level light therapy above the skin surface to stimulate the fat cell, patients see improvements both measurably and visually in the areas treated without invasively entering the body surgically.  A lipolaser stimulates the Adipose tissue, better known as fat cells, into releasing their core molecules into the body.  From there the body then takes the molecules and processes them as energy  This procedure is similar to exercise in that it does not destroy the cell nor remove the cell from the body and requires no down time to the patient.



  • Non-Invasive Body Contouring
  • LipoLaser
  • LLLT (Low Level Light Therapy)
  • Laser Assisted Weight Loss
  • Lapex BCS
  • Lapex 2000
  • Zerona


Keys to Low Level Light Therapy:

1. Biostimulation?Improved metabolism?Increase of cell metabolism?

2. Improved blood circulation and vasodilatation?

3. Analgesic effect?

4. Anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects?

5. Stimulation of wound healing

6. Spot fat reduction


Main Manufactures of non-invasive lasers utilizing LLLT technology:  Lapex BCS LipoLaser by Yolo Medical, Zerona by Erchonia Medical.

NOTES:  Other non-invasive lipo methods:  RF (Radio Frequency) non-invasive lipo, Ultrasound non-invasive lipo, Cryolipolisis non-invasive lipo.  All three of these methods destroy the adipose cell and may also cause pain, discomfort, and swelling after the procedure. 

Some of the technology is not FDA approved and is currently being used as an off-label application.  

