Are you an ideal candidate for liposuction?

Are you an ideal candidate for liposuction?

There was a time when liposuction was touted as a fast weight loss solution. People, who had long had weight issues they could not resolve with diet and exercise, would turn to a surgical option to remove fat from their body. After all, the concept of having subcutaneous fat literally sucked out of your body seems like a much easier option that spending months on stringent diet and exercise regimens.  It has been proven, however, that it is much healthier to treat liposuction as a cosmetic procedure that offer body sculpting, rather than as an extreme weight loss or weight removal option. In fact, it is possible to remove too much fat from a patient, which can lead to health complications and a less successful aesthetic result.

As the technology around liposuction developed, like tumescent liposuction for example, it has become clear that liposuction is actually ideal for body contouring and not really a good weight loss solution at all.

What is body contouring? It means using liposuction, in the hands of an experience liposuction doctor, to remove excess fat, or fat pads, from the targeted part of the body chosen by doctor and patient for treatment. Many patients, both men and women, who seek liposuction have these fat deposits and find them to be extremely embarrassing and frustrating. This self consciousness can lead to depression and a desire to hide, so liposuction can actually make a huge difference in both the physical and emotional health of a patient.

Ideal candidates for liposuction are actually typically in good physical condition. Men and women who are interested in undergoing a liposuction procedure are usually within about 20 lbs of their ideal weight. If the patient was overweight, they will have lost excess weight either through true weight loss surgery, like gastric bypass surgery, or through diet and exercise over a longer period of time.

The overall health of the patient is important, because although liposuction has taken great strides in overall safety, it is still a surgical procedure and if a patient is in optimal health, their risk during surgery is substantially lower. Ideal liposuction candidates are in good health, overall, and will be assessed by their liposuction surgeon prior to the procedure.

So, if you are in good physical health and you’re looking to remove the excess fat that is preventing you from feeling proud and confident in your body, consider liposuction, because it could be the solution for which you have been looking.