For those looking to lose weight and gain a better figure that they are more comfortable with, the stomach often proves to be an especially difficult area to tone and shape. Diet and exercise are huge components of successful weight loss and fitness but there are thousands of people who experience frustration with tummies that

Fine lines and wrinkles, even a few of them when they appear on the face and neck, can add years to a face and cause a person to feel and look older than they are. As collagen production slows down, skin loses its natural elasticity and the skin tends to sag, wrinkle or develop a

Acne scars leave more than just horrible spots and memories; the scars can be recessed and make the skin look matted and unattractive, especially on the face. If you have these types of scars, either because of acne or chicken pox, there’s hope to renew the skin – through fat grafting. First, the surgeon will

Crop tops used to be for the teen crowd only. Not today. The fashion trend is now worn by young and older women alike, and it can be paired elegantly or casually – based on the occasion. To look great in a crop top though, one requirement is necessary: a flat midriff, without blemishes like

Many of us are looking for ways to keep a youthful, fresh look. However, as we age, we begin to lose the fat and collagen found beneath the skin, which can result in wrinkled, saggy skin. Additionally, sun damage, genetics, trauma, disease, and scarring can add to a less-than-youthful appearance. Injectable wrinkle fillers are a

Microneedling is a breakthrough cosmetic procedure that can effectively treat a range of skin issues including stretch marks, wrinkles, frown lines, uneven skin tone and many others. This is accomplished by penetrating deep below the layers of the dermis with a special equipment – the blade is made up of almost 200 microneedles, that patients

Chest port is a life saver for patients who require repeated IV (Intra Venous) access for providing medication and drawing blood samples. If you are advised to get a port, it is probably to eliminate the need to be poked repeatedly in order to find a good vein. It’s an excellent device for cancer patients