If you’re a stickler for perfection, then you’ll be quite intrigued by some of these top 5 spots where lipo can make a huge difference, even though these areas are often overlooked.   When we think of getting lipo, many of us pay attention to the obvious fatty areas, like the abs, thighs, or inner

                  Smartlipo procedures can be the perfect solution for easily dissolving unwanted fat pockets on an otherwise healthy body without having to undergo extensive and invasive surgery. Even though Smartlipo procedures are usually very successful and leave the patient feeling more self-confident and secure in their newly

You may be considering a liposuction procedure to lose those extra inches and bulges that aren’t responding to all that dieting and exercise. Many people are plagued by this, and often have questions about the different types of liposuction. At the Skin and Vein Center, we are often asked about the differences between Vaser Lipo

We’ve all heard that cosmetic surgeries and procedures are on the rise, especially as social media selfies and snapshots of every moment of our lives are broadcasted for all to see. We’ve also studied one increasingly popular procedure in women – calf liposuction. This procedure essentially eliminates the “boot bulge”, as we’ve come to know

If you’re anticipating a future liposuction, your doctor will be your best source for advice and tips on how to take care of yourself post-treatment and how much time you as an individual will require to fully heal. However, below are some helpful tips to keep in mind for the upcoming recovery process to make

Modern liposuction techniques have changed the lives for the better of thousands of patients who were feeling uncomfortable with their appearance and sought to make adjustments to trouble areas that had long been bothering them. Liposuction, when used responsibly, can improve self-esteem and create a smoother contour of the face or body where diet and

Many of us are looking for solutions to rid ourselves of excess fat. As such, many are turning to a popular cosmetic surgery procedure — liposuction. This is an effective method to remove large amounts of subcutaneous fat. Liposuction is often considered a more effective method that bariatric surgery or exercise and diet. However, there

                We’ve all seen ads warning us against undergoing lipo or cosmetic surgery. Should we heed these warnings, or is there a way to ensure a botched surgery won’t happen to you? We’ll describe some of the top causes of botched surgery:   It’s Not You; It’s the

Voluminous butts have garnered more attention than ever in recent years, causing thousands of people to look toward improving the appearance of their own. With multiple options available, such as the Brazilian Butt Lift and buttock implants, which one is right for you? There are some significant differences between a butt implant procedure and a

A Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as natural butt augmentation, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can give you more prominent and perky buttocks. This procedure­ — buttock augmentation with fat grafting — has become increasingly common, especially because of the celebrities who have made the look very popular. Additionally, having a rounder, more pronounced