Trend Alert! The Arm Lift via Liposuction

Nary a woman in the US would admit she is happy with triceps drooping from excess fat and loose skin, and certainly celebrities are never seen with anything but the most toned arms. So it’s no wonder this area has become the hot spot for enhancements.

Every year, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) releases statistics that paint a picture of plastic surgery trends in the United States. This year is no exception. Based on data reported by their member surgeons for 2012 annual statistics, predictably liposuction and breast augmentation remain in the top 5 surgical procedures performed. Not so predictably, another procedure seems to be taking up arms from coast to coast: brachioplasty, or the arm lift.

According to the ASPS, arm lifts have officially reached noticeable status with a 4,378% increase over the past 10 years. While they attribute the trend to sleeveless fashion and so-called, “strong-armed” celebrities, including Michelle Obama, Jennifer Aniston and Kelly Ripa, all identified in an ASPS poll, it’s more likely become popularized by need. The fact is, patients who experience massive weight loss (MWL) is up and so various body lifting procedures are in demand, including lower- and upper body lifts, which frequently include brachioplasty.

Brachioplasty is an invasive procedure that removes skin, requiring the surgeon to make an incision along the length of the upper arm, which leaves a scar that runs from the armpit to the elbow area. This procedure is used in situations where the only option for significant, excess skin is surgical removal. And that’s often the MWL patient. "It's a trade off. We get rid of the skin, but we leave a scar," David Reath, MD, a Knoxville, Tenn.-based plastic surgeon and ASPS Public Education Committee Chair is quoted as saying in an ASPS press release. "So, as long as there's enough improvement to be made in the shape of the arm to justify the scar, then it's a great procedure."

For other women who are looking to tighten up some wiggle and jiggle, liposuction may be an alternative treatment option. Both less traumatic and aesthetically forgiving, liposuction can effectively remove fat from this area. However, because elasticity increases the odds of skin retraction, it is important to patient satisfaction with results.

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Trend Alert! The Arm Lift via Liposuction