Tummy Typing Your Way to Fit & Flat (Do You Know Yours?)

Tummy Typing Your Way to Fit & Flat (Do You Know Yours?)

In the quest to achieve a flat bikini-worthy tummy, sit-ups and crunches alone come up significantly short. Whether yours is flabby or bloated—a little or a lot—fitness trainer James Duigan recently told Daily Mail UK that the answer to achieving aesthetic abdominal bliss isn’t “one size fits all.” The answer, he said, lies in a variety of approaches that depend on your tummy type:

1. Spare Tire

This tummy type is the biggest and bulkiest, but said James, it’s also the easiest one to lose. Often the result of a sedentary lifestyle and nutrition-poor diet, simply cutting the carbs and getting up and out of your seat can deliver results. Try easing off the alcohol, opting for unprocessed foods, and taking long walks to transform your tummy.

2. Stress Tummy

You’ve seen the commercials: cortisol causes belly fat. This tummy type is exactly a result of that. A stress out tummy is prone to irritation and generally feels firm, not jiggly, to the touch. Get your tummy tuned up, advised James, by striving to relax and sooth the body and the mind: Get more and better sleep, cut back on coffee, swap your sprints for yoga, and up the magnesium in your diet.

3. Little Pooch

You may be thin and dedicated to your workout routine, but that lower belly pooch is a silhouette spoiler! Quit straining your hip flexors and lower back, James told Mail Online, as these can force the belly muscles to stick out, one possible cause of that pesky little pooch. Minimizing the sources of digestive stress can also help, so up your fiber and white-meat proteins, while maintaining adequate hydration levels.

4. Mummy Tummy

Babies can wreak havoc on the belly, so if your waistline woes are a postpartum problem, your best bet is to be patient. According to James, the worst thing you can do is put undue pressure on your physical form before your body is ready. Opt for good-for-you fats, such as those found in avocado, and gentle breathing and pelvic floor exercises to prepare your tummy for transformation when the time is right.

5. Bloated Tummy

If your stomach swells throughout the day, you may suffer from certain food intolerances, said James. Whether it’s dairy, gluten, wheat or alcohol, it’s time for you to find out what’s behind your bloated belly by eliminating and reintroducing specific foods into your diet. In general, try to eat fresh, focus on breathing into your tummy, and take a walk after meals to aid in digestion.

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