Warm Massage Your Way to a Better Body!

Warm Massage Your Way to a Better Body!<br />

As the snow flies outside the window this week, who isn’t dreaming of sunny skies and warmer weather? As for looking forward to donning that two-piece in your drawer, however, suddenly summer takes on a whole other meaning: getting your body bikini ready! 

As luck has it, we live during a time in which we have ever-increasing options for how to deal with those lumps and bumps we’d rather cast aside with winter’s coat. One of the latest options is a new technology that uses radiofrequency energy anywhere on the body to smooth away cellulite while tightening and toning those troublesome spots. It’s name: Tripollar 

As described by the manufacturer, TriPollar technology is an innovative, 3rd generation radiofrequency device that offers more than the mono-polar and bi-polar technologies that preceded it. They say TriPollar treatments will give you immediate and visible contour improvements without surgery or downtime. As for results, they’re said to be long-lasting. 

According to Dr. Michael Fiorillo, NYC, who recently described the treatment to Fox News, Tripollar is unlike any technology currently on the market. “By heating the skin, it causes the collagen to remodel... An infrared ‘Lumi Cam’ monitors the temperature of the skin during treatment, and patients say the treatment feels like a warm massage – and there’s no recovery time.” 

Fiorillo also told the news source that his patients notice a difference right away and see final results in mere minutes. "My patients absolutely love this treatment,” he told Fox News. “It’s affordable, it feels great, and you have instant results when you get off the table.”

A warm massage-like treatment that requires no downtime and can get you ship-shape for summer? Yes, please! 

Visit Liposuction.com, the authority on surgical and non-surgical body shaping treatments, to learn more about a variety of surgical and non-surgical body contouring options.